Categoria: Seminari e Convegni
Stato: Archiviata
Monday, 26th March 2018

Seminar on Brownfiled revitalization. US and European processes

h. 14:30-17,30 - room 7V, Castello Valentino, Torino

Thanks to the DePaul Global Learning Experience (GLE) Program, Students from DePaul and from PoliTO will interact via the DePaul didactical platform for eLearning, focusing of brownfield regeneration and sustainable land use planning.

The Seminar is the occasion for expanding the exchange, involving researchers engaged on the issue, and so comparing US and EU processes of Brownfield regeneration from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.

Prof. Tzoumis, past- Fulbright at Politecnico, now Professor DePaul University, will illustrate her applied experiences in environmental policies in US. Starting from her background in US Department of energy, US Senate, and national labs, coming to the general issue of brownfields policy in USA, and to case studies of Chicago brownfields. Her current activity also focuses on environmental assessment, executive orders, nuclear waste, congressional hearings.

For information: