Categoria: Avvisi
Stato: Archiviata
Scadenza invio abstract: 28 febbraio 2020

Cultivating continuity of the european landscape: Call for contributions

In the framework of the organisation of the UNISCAPE 2020 Conference celebrating the 20 years from the signing of the European Landscape Convention in Florence, UNISCAPE launches a CALL with the aim to collect contributions on the following topics:

A. Landscape Policy and Governance
B. Landscape Design and Time
C. Observing Landscape

Contributions will be selected through consideration of abstracts. Authors who are selected will be then required to submit a full paper to be included in the Conference publications.
Please note that the selected contributions could be presented as posters during the Conference.

28 February: deadline abstracts submission (3.000 characters max.)
31 March: review and feedbacks abstracts
10 June: submission of full papers (12.000 characters max.)
30 July: review and feedback full papers
1 September: deadline for return of papers

Find all the information and requirements at the Conference website.
Further information about the call at this webpage.