Urban political ecology: critical reflections and future directions
Lifelines is a DIST - POLITO funded research project that aims to observe different forms of infrastructures and their system of spaces and relations that guarantee a decent standard of livability. It moves away from a conceptualization of infrastructures as machines of transmission and supply, to one intended as a support of living focusing on the role of territories in structuring asymmetric relations of vulnerability and privilege.
The goal is to understand in concrete terms what does it mean to produce life-sustaining environmental conditions.
The project looks at the lines of sustainment in different crisis as a productive epistemological perspective, and as a technopolitical terrain in perennial tensions between crisis and its beyond as well.
The Project, led by Prof. Camillo Boano and Prof. Cristina Bianchetti, include colleagues from DIST as Prof. Antonio di Campli, Prof. Federico Cavallaro, Prof. Ianira Vassallo, Prof. Giulia Sonetti and many others PHDs and Master Students.
26.03.2021 - 15.00 (GMT+1)
Medium Design
Keller Easterling | Yale University (US)
12.04.2021 - 15.00 (GMT+1)
Urban political ecology: critical reflections and future directions
Matthew Gandy | Cambridge University (UK)
30.04.2021 - 14.00 (GMT+1)
Weaponizing Infrastructure: Social Reproduction and the Toxic Ecologies of Settler Colonialism
Omar Jabary Salamanca | ULB (Belgium)
- Program - Cycle of seminars "Towards lifelines: territories between vulnerabilities and privileges"
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- Flyer Seminar " Urban political ecology: critical reflections and future directions"
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