Categoria: Seminari e Convegni
Stato: Archiviata


ore 14:30-16:00 | Sala Vigliano, Castello del Valentino, Torino

Tra il 12 e il 14 giugno, a Torino, si terrà il seminario Infrastrutture globali e urbanizzazione: uno scambio organizzato dal PRIN “Rescaling the Belt and Road Initiative”.
In questo contesto, sono state previste alcune attività per dottorandi e post-doc.

In particolare, il 14 giugno dalle 14:30 alle 16:00 in Sala Vigliano, si terranno le "Training sessions", aperte a student* di dottorato e a titolati di assegni post-doc. I tre workshop sono:

  1. How to write a book proposal with Jon Silver
  2. How to write a research proposal with Andrea Pollio and Simone Vegliò
  3. How to write an academic paper for an international Urban Studies journal with Elia Apostolopoulou (and Han Cheng)

I tre workshop si svolgeranno in lingua inglese e in parallelo, quindi non sarà possibile partecipare a più di uno.
Per motivi organizzativi, vi chiediamo di iscrivervi in anticipo ai workshop.

La scadenza è il 6 giugno.
Link al documento per l'iscrizione ai wokshop:


Between the 12th and 14th of June, in Turin, the seminar Global infrastructures and urbanization: an exchange will take place. This is organised by the PRIN “Rescaling the Belt and Road Initiative”. Against this backdrop, some activities have been foreseen for PhD candidates and Post-docs.

Specifically, on the 14th of June from 2:30 PM to 4 PM in Sala Vigliano, there will be some “Training sessions”, open to PhD students of our programmes and Postdoc fellows – Co-organised with the PhD programme in Urban and Regional Development (URD). The three workshops are:
  • How to write a book proposal with Jon Silver
  • How to write a research proposal with Andrea Pollio and Simone Vegliò
  • How to write an academic paper for an international Urban Studies journal with Elia Apostolopoulou (and Han Cheng)

The three workshops will take place simultaneously, so it won’t be possible to attend more than one. For organizational purposes, we kindly ask you to register for the workshops in advance.

The deadline is on the 6th of June.

Here is the link to the document: