TOWARDS ADAPTATION GOVERNANCE. Participative processes and research in urban planning and policy development
The COMmon Measurements ONsite in the AlpIne Region (COMMONAIR) project is co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg Alpine Space programme
COMMONAIR is a citizen science project coordinated by Politecnico di Torino which brings together four cities, Turin, Grenoble, Vienna and Zurich, and three universities, PoliTo, TU Vienna and ZHAW Winterthur, with the objective of promoting urban policies and projects for climate change adaptation, facing the heatwaves and improving air quality.
On Monday, February 10, starting at 14:00 at Salone d’Onore in Castello del Valentino we will talk about the participation and projects for the ecological transition of the cities with the experts and partners of the projects that will take place during 2025 and 2026.
- To participate, registration is recommended at this link
PROGRAMME OF THE Kick-off Seminar
13:45 Registration
14:00 Institutional greetings
Stefano Corgnati, Rector of Politecnico di Torino
Andrea Bocco, Head of DIST Department
14:10 Introduction to the COMMONAIR project
Riccardo Pollo, Politecnico di Torino - Lead Partner
14:25 Interreg Alpine Space programme
Alexis Truchet, PO of the Project, Interreg Alpine Space, Joint Secretariat, Land Salzburg
Veronica Capenti, Policy Officer, EU Strategy of the Alpine Region - EUSALP
14:55 COMMONAIR Project partners presentation
15:20 Coffee break
15:50 Opening Keynote
Maria Vassilakou, Vassilakou Urban Consulting GmbH | Small Cog in a big Wheel? The Role of Collaborative Leadership in the major Climate Transition
16:20 Guest Speakers
Mirella Iacono, Città di Torino | Planning for Adaptation: policies and actions by the City of Torino
Giovanni Mori and Clara Pogliani, Environmental Consultant, Scientific Journalist | Dirty Air, Clear Solutions. How climate action can help communities and people
Xavier Perrin, Ville de Grenoble | Take care of the city and the citizens in a cooperative democracy
Stephan Brenneisen, Zurich University of Applied Sciences | Urban heat mapping and involvement of stakeholders
Riccardo Pollo and Daniela Ciaffi, Politecnico di Torino | Research, Design and participative processes for the ecological transition
18:00 Q & A session
18:30 End of the Session