
The taught programmes in the DIST Department aim to provide expertise on the complex processes that affect space and its relations with the contemporary economy and society, combining the technical, physical and morphological dimensions of the processes with their normative, value and symbolic characteristics.

Ecosystems and territories, institutions and social, economic, political, and environmental processes are at the centre of a pedagogical project that is based on the values of interdisciplinarity, intellectual leadership and integration of knowledge, as well as the social values of equality, democracy, and sustainability.


With this in mind, DIST manages and offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, Post-graduate and Specializing Master’s courses, Ph.D programme. Some of these are inter-departmental and inter-university organized. DIST also promotes and supports professional trainings and Lifelong learning in institutional and business service contexts by offering specific courses at various levels.


Excellent researchers and experienced teachers are involved our Programmes serving different Schools: the School of Planning and Design directly coordinated directly by DIST as well as other Schools of the Polytechnic (in the areas of Architecture and Design and Engineering) and the Turin University (in the areas of Economics and Social Sciences, Legal Sciences and Agriculture).


Students, Education and International Affairs – Development of Education and Quality Assurance Division 

Collegi Coordination unit

For information 

For questions related to study plans, career plans and educational loads, enrolment in bachelor’s and master’s degrees, users are recommended to use the ticketing system 

available both for students already registered and for external guests.