CED-PPN - European Documentation Centre on Nature Park Planning
The CED PPN - European Documentation Centre on Nature Park Planning, Member of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) from 1996, has been formally set up in 1994 to promote knowledge and debate on Nature Parks, Protected Areas (PAs) and Landscape planning and management policies, with reference to the European and international context.
The Centre carries out research about the above-mentioned topics, gather and update a bibliographical and documentary archive, and develops cultural and training activities, involving Specialisation Schools, Master, PhD and Erasmus students coming from Italian and foreign Universities. The Centre is a reference point also for professionals, Nature Park and PAs Authorities, NGOs and national and international Institutions.
The multi-annual research developed since 1990 has allowed the creation of a wide network of contacts, made up of several Italian and European Nature Parks, Universities, Institutions, Research Centres, international and national Associations operating in the field of nature conservation and landscape policies (such as IUCN - WCPA e CEESP Commissions -, EUROPARC Federation, CIPRA, ISCAR, UNISCAPE, FEDERPARCHI, WWF, Legambiente, Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, ….)
The Center carries out consultation service and loan documentation (Bibliographical and documentary Archive)
Keywords: Nature Conservation; Nature Parks and Protected Areas; Cultural Heritage; Environmental and Landscape Policies; Environmental and Landscape Plans and Projects.
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DIST Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning Politecnico ed Università di Torino Viale Mattioli, 39 10125 Torino - Italia |
Phone | +39 011 090 7477 |
Fax | +39 011 090 7479 |
cedppn@polito.it | |
Web site | http://www.cedppn.polito.it |
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